Title “红二代”美国出书 揭秘周永康、薄熙来政变始末
薄熙来(左)和周永康受审场面。(新唐人合成) 【新唐人北京时间2022年07月05日讯】最近,一本由中共“红二代”出版的英文书籍《China Duel》(中国对决),在美国出版,该书披露了周永康、薄熙来的政变始末。 周永康政变败露 胡锦涛调兵包围 据美国之音报导,该书作者向阳是一名红二代,他的父辈在政界、军界身居高位,他的家族与薄熙来家族交情匪浅,他和父亲甚至参与了周永康等人密谋的“宫廷政变”。...
During my time in Beijing, President and I have had several conversations about our common goals and interests. Beyond that we talk often the very good chemistry between the two of us, believe me.
My administration is commited to improving our trade and business relationships with China, and this relationship is something which we will work at very hard to make a fair and a reciprocal one.
Trade between China and the United States have not been- over the last many many years- a very fair one for us. As we all know, America has a huge annual trade deficit with China, a number beyond anything what anybody would understand. This number is, shockingly, hundreds of billions of dollar each year. Estimates are as high as500 billion dollars a year.
We must immediately address the unfair trade practices that drive this deficit, along with barriers to market success. We really have to look at access, forced technology transfer, and the theft of intellectual property, which just by and of itself is costing the United States and its companies at least300 billion dollars a year.
Both the United States and China will have a more prosperous future if we can achieve a level economic playing field. Right now, unfortunately, it is a very one-sided and unfair one, but, but! I don’t blame China.(Laughter and applause)
After all, who can blame a country for being able to take advantage of another country for the benefits of its citizens? I give China great credit.(Laughter and applause) But in actuality I do blame past administrations for allowing this out-of-control trade deficit to take place and to grow. We have to fix this because this just doesn’t work for our great American companies and it doesn’t work for our great American workers. It is just not sustainable. I look forward to working for that goal and to pursuing fair and lasting engagement.
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