Title “红二代”美国出书 揭秘周永康、薄熙来政变始末
薄熙来(左)和周永康受审场面。(新唐人合成) 【新唐人北京时间2022年07月05日讯】最近,一本由中共“红二代”出版的英文书籍《China Duel》(中国对决),在美国出版,该书披露了周永康、薄熙来的政变始末。 周永康政变败露 胡锦涛调兵包围 据美国之音报导,该书作者向阳是一名红二代,他的父辈在政界、军界身居高位,他的家族与薄熙来家族交情匪浅,他和父亲甚至参与了周永康等人密谋的“宫廷政变”。...
The most educated people are the biggest liars, a study says.
It found that the honesty scores of those who did not complete secondary school was nearly twice that of those with postgraduate degrees.
One theory is that more educated people may be better able to calculate the risks of being caught out lying.
Middlesex University researchers analysed data on 6,000 people from deception tests used by psychologists.
Overall, men told more fibs than women. But while age had no effect, education had a significant impact.
Postgraduates had the lowest honesty rating, followed by graduates. Next were people who had vocational training, then those who completed secondary education.
研究生的诚信评级最低,紧随其后的是学士毕业生。其次是职业学校毕业生和中学毕业生。 The highest honesty rating was scored by those who did not finish school.
Notably, education had no effect on telling altruistic ‘white lies’ that benefit another person at a cost for the liar.
Dr Valerio Capraro, who led the study, said: ‘In order to lie, people must be aware of consequences and that requires some computational abilities, which may be more likely to be found in educated people.’
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