Title “红二代”美国出书 揭秘周永康、薄熙来政变始末
薄熙来(左)和周永康受审场面。(新唐人合成) 【新唐人北京时间2022年07月05日讯】最近,一本由中共“红二代”出版的英文书籍《China Duel》(中国对决),在美国出版,该书披露了周永康、薄熙来的政变始末。 周永康政变败露 胡锦涛调兵包围 据美国之音报导,该书作者向阳是一名红二代,他的父辈在政界、军界身居高位,他的家族与薄熙来家族交情匪浅,他和父亲甚至参与了周永康等人密谋的“宫廷政变”。...
图为川普(特朗普)法律顾问、加州共和党主席哈蜜特‧迪伦(Harmeet Dhillon)2016年出席共和党全国大会。
川普(特朗普)法律顾问哈蜜特‧迪伦(Harmeet Dhillon)周四(11月26日)在研究知名律师西德尼·鲍威尔(Sidney Powell)的法律起诉书后说,鲍威尔只要赢下一些简单的指控,就能翻转选举结果。
2/ including putting ballots in the wrong stacks en masse, pre-printed ballots that were “pristine” and unlined; blocking Republican observers from vote-tabulation tables; counting votes after the so-called “pipe burst” election night even though there were no Rep. observers…/
— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) November 26, 2020
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4/ These are serious allegations, and maybe the evidence (some of it filed and some of it under seal provisionally) will persuade. Either of these big themes would be enough to change the election results given the narrow margin for Biden. To me, the easiest way to reach that…
— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) November 26, 2020
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6/ which can easily be checked against the other state’s records. This accounts for thousands of votes. The other category @MattBraynard has researched & documented, is thousands of identifiable, specific registrations at fraudulent addresses such as P.O. Boxes, non-residential/ pic.twitter.com/UF3fUvqvlk
— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) November 26, 2020
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8/ it really isn’t. How are you supposed to allege that someone cast a ballot from a fraudulent registration address or after moving, before the election? This is something that can only be checked after the votes are cast and tallied, particularly where last-minute registrations
— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) November 26, 2020
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10/ which thousands of specific, identifiable people illegally cast ballots in Georgia. I hope the federal court allows inquiry into this low-tech challenge even if it does not bite on the more expert-and statistically-based theories. There’s time to get this right, and we must.
— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) November 26, 2020
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